Generating Leads with Quest Content | Case-Study

Generating Leads with Quest Content | Case-Study

Generating Leads with Quest Content | Case-Study

Generating leads is one of the 4 key business development goals Quest content is designed to achieve. This case study demonstrates Quest’s process, execution, and success in achieving this goal.

Between writing, posting, monitoring, and analyzing, the time and energy they were putting into their online marketing efforts definitely cost them money but the return on investment wasn’t clear if it existed at all.

They understood it was a long game that requires consistent effort over time but couldn’t afford to waste their resources on ineffective marketing. They needed direction.

See an example of the content we ended up creating for this company at the bottom of the case-study

Discovery and Set up

In a discovery meeting with a Quest representative, the business owners recognized two key elements to point them in the right direction.

  1. Marketing Model
    Their business’ growth factors such as scalability, perishability, and consistency gave them the marketing model LSVR
    This means that they need to prioritize lead generation, followed by closing sales, then gaining visibility, and lastly building relationships.
    All of these goals are important to growing their business but not equally important.

    Find out your Marketing Model Here

  2. Market Segmentation
    Their target market could be more clearly defined. Specific geographic, demographic, psychographic, and behavioural factors all played a role in qualifying a lead and learning about their market.
    In a short meeting we identified dozens of factors that should be identified and tracked whenever and wherever possible.

    Discover your market segmentation criteria in a no-commitment, free discovery meeting here.

Example Content

Now the roofers were on the right track. To capitalize on these insights Quest set up a CRM with tagging that mirrored the market segmentation criteria we determined and got to work on creating content.

The content needed to follow their marketing model “LSVR” so we started with lead generating content. It also needed to provide insight into some of the segmentation we identified. 

This quiz, ‘Which Roofing Material is Right for Your Home’, was one of the first pieces of content created for the roofing company. 


  • It follows a categorization format so the end result would be a type of roofing material that most closely matches their needs and preferences

Conditional Logic

  • Multiple paths branch out with logical conditions because several questions and answers are related to previous questions.
    For example, if a person is somewhat interested in keeping costs low their answers would be weighted differently if they have a very large roof vs a small roof.

Weighted Answers

  • Answers are weighted based on the importance of the answer to the final results.
  • Each answer in each question is assigned the category and a weight.


  • If a question or answer provides insight into a key segmentation criteria that answer is tagged accordingly.

Opt-in Gate

  • There is an opt-in gate that asks for the name and email of the user after the quiz but before seeing the result to generate leads.
  • The opt-in gate is A/B tested with one of the random gates offering a skip function to bypass the gate while the other is mandatory.

⇐Results Page

  • Each ‘results page’ provides additional information on the corresponding roofing material and lists its pros and cons.
  • ‘Results pages’ all have lead-gen CTAs that specifically reference the individual result.

Participant Report

  • All participant answers and results are included in a separate, high level report that updates automatically.

CRM Reports

  • If a person opts-in through any of the forms or gates their tags are automatically applied to their new or existing record within the CRM.
  • Tags can be based on specific answers, results, form, and much more. 
  • A report showing the number of contacts and percentage of individuals in the CRM that meet certain criteria is automatically updated.
  • This report shows participants from all Quest Quizzes together

See Below for a Copy of the Quiz and Try it Yourself